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Join us at our workshop to understand the state of health cost increases and some solutions that provide a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. By understanding how and why they work will empower employers to take a proactive approach to cost management in healthcare benefits with the goal of reducing the healthcare spend while still offering a generous healthcare plan.

Business owners and Corporations across the US have been struggling with how to approach cost management in employee healthcare benefits spending. Employee healthcare deductibles and employer contributions are at an all-time low as employers shift more of the burden of costs onto their workers in an effort to rein in healthcare costs. With an average of 8% to 10% increases in health insurance premiums year over year have left executives with only blunt tools to fight against yearly increases.

Annual attempts to shop for better rates or at least keep premiums stable often end with not much change or plan design options. In addition, business owners struggle understanding what is inside the black box that is “Your Group Healthcare Plan.” 

August 16th, 2022 12:00 PM   through   1:30 PM
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